The Fossil arrived home with a Jaguar today. No, not the big cat – the car. The all-electric Jaguar iPace EV400. And it’s black. Santorini black, with a shiny metallic finish. Just like a Panther. And as quiet as one too.

This car even looks like a cat. As if it’s about to sneak up and pounce on some unsuspecting prey (I do that too, so big deal!). It looks really classy, with it’s big 20″ wheels, tinted windows, panoramic roof, rear spoiler and wind vanes. It even has adaptive air suspension so the ground clearance can be raised when driving on dirt roads. The whole car is very sleek. Even the door handles retract to reduce wind resistance.

The inside is sporty too, with red leather performance seats off setting the ebony interior finishes (hey, butt out Fossil. This is my blog! Sheesh, he’ll go on and on with techno speak if I let him). Anyway, all I care about is that the back seat is big enough for a handsome Husky to stretch out on.

And it is. But The Fossil is worried about my nails scratching the leather, so he’s bought a car seat cover with side panels to protect the door finishes. He hasn’t fitted it yet, so I’ll share that pic tomorrow. Dunno why he’s so worried, I had my nails trimmed and filed at Mystical Pawprints on Sunday, so I’m cool with that. Also, I’m nearly as old as the grey-bearded fossil so I don’t move around much while riding.
Tomorrow we’re overnighting at the pet-friendly Nyati Valley Berg House in Winterton. That’s near Giant’s Castle at the foot of the Drakensberg Mountains in KwaZulu-Natal, about 376 km or a five-hour drive from here (“depending on how long it takes to recharge the iPace at GridCars in Bergview Engin 1-Stop”, says The Fossil). I’m really looking forward to meeting the owner, Jo Hedges, and her dogs.
That’s it from me. Remember, sharing is caring and donating is salvationing (saving of animals, I mean. Not deliverance from evil :-). So, go ahead and click on these HRSA or SPCA donation links to give a penny or two (there we go – The Fossil showing his age again).