Yippee! Did I have fun today? You betcha! Today’s MushItUp was the best day of my entire Walk 4 SOS Huskies fundraising journey. And guess what? I’ve been made an Honorary Member of the Mush It Up Husky Sled Pulling Team!
So we met up at Muizenberg’s Sunrise Circle (on the beach in front of False Bay Surf Life Saving Club) at 3pm and I met Sam Gunter and Tracy-lee Palframan – the people who organise the MushItUp sessions every Saturday.

They normally start at 4:30pm in winter but made it earlier especially for me ’cause they were expecting a lot of Huskies today.

I met a lot of people who’ve made donations to my campaign and they came and said “Howzit Jaxx!” and made a big fuss of me. I also met more Huskies than I’ve seen in one place my entire life, like Loki (pictured above). He’s good looking and has longer hair than me. He also has a feisty temperament (like me), but that’s OK – I’ve learned to avoid confrontations!

Then Sam kitted me out with a special pulling harness and placed me near the back of the Husky pack. I wasn’t sure what to expect until I heard Sam shout “Mush” and suddenly I got pulled forward. And then instinct kicked in – so, this is what I was bred to do! I’m too emotional to describe the experience, so watch the video clips and you’ll get an idea of how much fun this is!

I overheard Sam tell The fossil that I’m a natural at this. Well, so are all the other twenty Huskies in the pack – it’s what we do! And I’m surely going to do more sled pulling especially seeing as I’m an Honorary Member now!
And Sam doesn’t mind including non-Husky dog breeds in the pack either. This certainly is the best exercise that any dog owner can give their best friend. It even exercises the owner – I saw The Fossil huffing and puffing alongside the pack too!
And when we arrived back, Maria Shadford, who helps out both the MushItUp and SOS Huskies people (and me), presented The Fossil with a special T-shirt that reads; “Jaxx and Desmond walked from Plettenberg Bay to Cape Town and all we got was this t-shirt”. And a lot of new friends!
The Fossil can enjoy wearing the T-shirt. I’ll enjoy the big tin of doggy biscuits!
And then, before leaving, we posed for some photos.

So, the Husky loving people in the above pic are; Bernice Lemaitre, Delray and Brett Nortier from Saviors Of Siberians at the back, and Sam Gunter next to The Fossil with Maria Shadford and Tracy-lee Palframan from Mush It Up on the other side of me.

And for the above pic, Beresford Williams joined us with his Husky, Storm. He’s a regular sled team member and usually leads the pack (Storm, I mean. Not Beresford). The Williams are really great people – they’re even hosting us at their home in Plumbstead again tonight. And Rene Williams even makes breakfast and supper for the Fossil!
That’s it for today Husky loving folks!. Thanks for reading and sharing – see you tomorrow for the final leg of my journey from Hout Bay to Seapoint Cape Town,
Wanna talk to us? Wanna host us? WhatsApp the tall fossil hanging onto my leash. Here’s Des’s number: +27 (0)82 374 7260. We’d love to hear from you!
Join Me For A Walk
Saturday 28 August 2021 – Muizenberg Main Beach – come see me MushItUp with the Huskies sled pulling team!
Sunday 29 August 2021 – Hout Bay to Cape Town