Today is just four more sleeps before we begin our Walk 4 Huskies journey. So, what’s this T-4 thingy mean? According to the Fossil – that’s Desmond, the old guy who hangs onto my leash – it means that our Big Walk is four days away, so every day he keeps repeating “T-minus four and counting”, and so on. What he really means is that our countdown to walk from Plettenberg Bay to Cape Town hasn’t started yet.
I don’t get it! In Siberia, where my family come from, we just get going. And with an area of 13,1 million km², there’s plenty space – and snow. And how we can run! Did you know that Siberian Huskies can run as much as 200 km a day? And we can keep that up for 10 days in a row. In fact, trained Racing Huskies can run for as much as 11 hours per day.

Well, I’d do that too if the old fossil didn’t always have me on a leash. He’s pretty cool though. We walk for about 3 hours every day (Des says it’s “training” for our big walk). He sure needs it – not that I do.
Oh yeah! Here’s some good news – the old man collected a bag of sponsored Lionel’s Choice dog pellets for me. This was donated by Husky Rescue SA (HRSA) where I was adopted from. It’s an amazing place.
My Husky bro’s and Sis’s up here are all rescues. They each have their own fenced-in space with a “wendy house” and straw bedding to sleep on at night. Most of my family there have already been adopted but there are a few “in-mates” still waiting for loving families to care for them.
It’s getting kinda boring watching Des sit on his iMac all day. He has been designing graphics for magnetic signs to go on the car and wants me to wear a sign hanging from my harness (see the header pic). “That way, when people take pictures of you during our walk, we’ll get some exposure,” he says.
Anyway, we still need to arrange a lot of things before we go. I’m really hoping that Rogz will sponsor a reflective padded harness so cars can easily see me. A RogLite would be great too.
Des is still hoping that Cape Union Mart will sponsor his outdoor hiking gear. The soles of his old hiking boots came off after three repair jobs so he bought a pair of cheap walking shoes from some guy called Mr Price but they’re falling to pieces after just a few months of walking.
It’s really cold all over the country now, so Des is gonna need some thermal insulation. I’ll be OK – my thermals all natural but the fossil is all skin and bone – and hairless. Plett Tourism‘s CEO sent him a pic of snow covering the Marmosa Peak – the highest point of the Tsitsikamma Mountains. Now he’s in a panic!
Anyway, that’s all for now human folks. BTW: if you happen to be anywhere along our walking route between Plettenberg Bay and Cape Town during late July to mid-August 2021, look out for us (we’ll be walking along the beach, or on a hiking trail, or along the side a main road) and come over to say “Howzit Husky Boy!” (and “Fossil Man” if you want).
Wanna talk to us? WhatsApp the tall fossil hanging onto my leash. Here’s his number: +27 (0)82 374 7260.
PS. That extra X on the end of my name is supposed to be a kiss (yeah, I know it’s soppy).